The Miles Macadam team are currently completing their third Carbon Neutral Surfacing Scheme of 2021. This scheme is in partnership with VolkerHighways, West Berkshire’s Term Maintenance Contractor. Throughout the year, West Berkshire Council have contracted us to install almost 32,000m² of our Reduced Carbon product, Milepave within the county. This week is the last 11,148m² of the scheme to be installed to Beedon Hill. Our Carbon Neutral Scheme’s have proven to be of great interest to several Local Authorities around the UK. It is fantastic to see yet another Council utilising the scheme in their borough and investing in a sustainable and durable, low carbon surfacing material. By using Miles Macadam as the surfacing agent, there will be no Indirect Emissions attributable to West Berkshire Council. The overall carbon footprint of the surfacing programme will be significantly reduced using Milepave – a low carbon, warm mix material designed to reduce carbon emissions by up to 40%. The next stage will utilise Miles Macadam’s accredited Carbon Calculator to determine the residual carbon emissions of the programme (Milepave and the Sub-Contractors transport emissions). This will be invested into a carbon reduction project within the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Scheme ensuring the a Net Zero status. Jonathan Ullmer, Project Manager at VolkerHighways commented: “We are pleased to be working with Miles Macadam to support the industry with their target for Carbon Neutrality” Following completion, the carbon savings from this scheme will be released so make sure to keep your eyes peeled!