The MM team recently completed Phase 2 of a Carbon Neutral Surfacing Scheme with Reading Borough Council. Phase 1 was completed in July, with 15,083m² of our Reduced Carbon Asphalt Grouted Macadam Milepave™, installed on Northumberland Avenue and Southcote Lane. The carbon emissions from Phase 1 – ramping material, concrete pre joint treatment, hot bond coat, binder Course, Milepave surface course, after joint treatment and speed humps amounted to 77.64 tCO₂e. The Scope 3 transport emissions added 20.11 tCO₂e, totalling 97.75 tCO₂e. Miles Macadam will offset 97.75 tCO₂e (the equivalent of over 320,000 car miles) from this contract to provide a carbon neutral surfacing programme. As importantly Miles Macadams’ involvement in this project ensures that there are no Indirect Emissions attributable to Reading Borough Council for these works, helping the Council in their drive towards net zero carbon. Phase 2 was completed in October, with 22,000m² of Milepave™ installed to Cressingham Road and The Meadway. Overall, the total mileage for this scheme was 35,695m². The carbon savings for Phase 2 are currently being calculated through our bespoke Carbon Calculator.