Miles Macadam has completed another trial of its zero carbon resurfacing material, BIOSEAL™, this time in partnership with Luton Borough Council. The Council have set their carbon neutral target as 2040, 10 years ahead of the national target. To help with this ambition, Miles Macadam utilised their reduced carbon product, Milepave™ for the maintenance scheme as well as resurfacing a section of the highway using BIOSEAL™, a biogenically modified asphaltic grout. This Biogenic material is a solid-state organic carbon by-product used within the road surface as a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) vessel to permanently lock away the carbon. This is the first step towards the creation of zero carbon road surfacing materials and the first time a large scale trial of this nature has been utilised on the UK highway network. Miles Macadam is delighted to have collaborated with Luton Borough Council for this scheme and want to say a big Thank You for their excitement on this project. A link to the full case study can be found here.