Miles Macadam’s most recent carbon neutral surfacing scheme was delivered in collaboration with Volker Highways for West Berkshire Council. West Berkshire Council’s Environment Strategy 2020-2030 is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030, and to reduce annual total emissions to less than 350,000 tCO₂e by that time. Miles Macadam’s ability to deliver a carbon neutral surfacing scheme ensured no Indirect Emissions were attributable to the Authority, supporting this objective.
The schemes involved the removal of areas of failed surfacing, replacing with Milepave™ Grouted Macadam. Milepave is a reduced carbon surfacing process, using lower mixing temperatures, lower energy resources and a lower bitumen content than conventional products. Calculation of the Scope 3 emissions produced during the contract will make any Carbon Reduction Strategy more achievable.
Delivered Programme of Work:
- 25,233m² of surfacing
- 2,198 tonnes of 40mm Milepave and 79 tonnes of Binder Course
- 151 tCO₂e total emissions, including sub-contractors Scope 3 transport
Environmental Saving:
- Savings of 314 tonnes in aggregates and 40 tonnes in straight run bitumen over conventional materials
- 73 tCO₂e saving over a conventional hot mix material and a non carbon neutral surfacing contractor (the equivalent of 220,000 car miles)
- Increased performance and subsequent lower whole life carbon costs
Financial Saving:
- Designed system to last longer, address specific issues and ensure lower whole life cost
Miles Macadam and Milepave™ offer significant benefits over conventional approaches and through our direct emission reduction, carbon neutral certification and carbon reduction strategy, the scheme is certified as achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions.
We are delighted to have delivered West Berkshire Councils’ first carbon neutral surfacing scheme in conjunction with Volker Highways, and to facilitate their commitment to climate change.
West Berkshire Carbon Neutral Scheme Certificate