Miles Macadam was selected by Bath & North East Somerset Council (BANES) and Volker Highways to resurface the historic Bath Circle using Milepave™. The historic street of townhouses frequented by tourists, is an outstanding example of 18th century Georgian architecture, designed by the prominent architect John Wood Miles Macadam was appointed thanks to our diligent reputation and established track record in the treatment of concrete carriageways. We laid 1,900m² of Milepave™, with the guarantee of quality and assurance that the historic site will have a long lasting surface for years to come. Milepave™ is a our manufactured HAPAS approved Grouted Macadam. It is a durable, high strength, flexible surface course which minimises the risk of reflective cracking – a serious challenge associated with road maintenance when asphalt is laid over historic concrete. Milepave™ has inherent flexibility to combat underlying movement and provides an impermeable surface course to prevent water ingress, and further erosion of the support layer beneath the concrete. To ensure the safety of residents and tourists, the process was carried out under an agreed road closure, with careful planning and traffic management of the site. Our operatives minimised the disruption to residents and carried out detailed planning and phasing of works to ensure the success of the project to the usual Miles Macadam high standard.