In 2013, Miles Macadam was contracted by Enterprise to resurface St Bernard’s Road in Newcastle Under Lyme for Staffordshire County Council. The contract involved planing off the existing material and installing 4100m² of our specialist Grouted Macadam, Milepave™ at 50mm thickness. The scheme also included renewing the existing ironworks and was completed in one phase over a 6-day period. Milepave™ is specified for a variety of applications on highway networks and outperforms conventional materials on concrete overlay sites when laid in tandem with our pre and post jointing system. Miles Macadam’s specialist Asphalt Grouted Macadam Milepave™ provides a solution to current and future issues associated with concrete carriageways surfaced with standard materials. Historically, they are prone to accelerated damage and deterioration with any underlying movement, particularly on joints, causing reflective cracking of the surface course. However, unlike conventional surfacing materials, Milepave™ provides a high strength surface course combined with flexibility to combat the underlying ground movement. A unique liquid asphalt grout is applied to the receiving course to fully seal the surface and create an impervious barrier against water ingress. Upon revisiting the site in 2022 to check up on its condition, inspection of the material showed minimal signs of ravelling, aggregate loss, or joint failure. Despite nearly 10 years on a busy residential application, it is evident that Milepave™ has successfully eradicated any problems associated with concrete construction and provided a long-term surfacing solution for the Council and residents. The design of our Milepave™ Grouted Macadam system is focused on longevity and durability and this location has been no exception.