Miles Macadam was contracted by Mersey Travel to upgrade and refurbish the bus stands located at Arrowe Park Hospital in Birkenhead. The existing material had suffered deformation and rutting due to heavy traffic and constant bus movements. The site accommodates 12 bus services that frequent the stands multiple times daily. The project also involved reprofiling the drainage system and gulleys to enhance drainage and surface water retention.

Following the laying of a binder course, Miles Macadam was responsible for the installation of 14mm Hardicrete™, an open graded design mix surface course with a controlled void content, which is then filled with a resin cementitious grout. Hardicrete™ is a highly durable surfacing material best described as a hybrid between asphalt and concrete. It is designed to withstand intense traffic loadings and fuel/leachate contamination whilst maintaining flexural strength. Furthermore, the use of Hardicrete™ addresses the issue of conventional materials weakening and deforming due to the continuous vibrations from stationary buses, ensuring a robust and long-lasting surface that can withstand the demands of bus usage. Notably, the rapid installation of Hardicrete™ minimised downtime for the bus station, allowing for quick reopening and minimal disruption to the hospital’s essential bus services.

The scheme required the refurbishment of the bus stands as well as a running lane leading out of the hospital grounds. A red pigment was added to the Hardicrete™ for the bus stands, and a black pigment was added to the Hardicrete™ covering the running lane to delineate the two areas whilst still providing a durable surface course.