In collaboration with Balfour Beatty, Miles Macadam recently completed a resurfacing project on Hinkler Road, a busy bus route for local schools and businesses. To minimise, disruption to the community, the works were schedules during half-term. Southampton City Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and set ambitious goals under its Green City Charter to achieve net zero status by 2030. Aligned with these sustainability objectives, the Hinkler Road project utilised Milepave™—a grouted macadam that cuts carbon emissions by 40% compared to conventional asphalt. This significant reduction is achieved through lower mixing temperatures, reduced energy consumption, and a decreased bitumen content. Once applied, Milepave™ is fully sealed against water ingress by its liquid asphalt grout, enhancing surface durability, improving flexibility, and minimising damage from thermal expansion.

This project not only met Southampton’s sustainability goals by ensuring no indirect emissions were attributable to the Authority, but also highlights the impact of strategic planning and innovative, low-carbon materials in delivering essential highway maintenance.

Delivered Programme of Work

  • 4,681m² of surfacing
  • 58.6 tonnes of AC 10mm material to reprofile the road
  • 15.75 tCO₂e total emissions

Environmental Savings

  • Savings of 50.74 tonnes in aggregates and 7 tonnes in straight run bitumen over conventional materials
  • 10.63 tCO₂e saving over a conventional warm mix material and a non-carbon neutral surfacing contractor

Financial Saving

  • Designed system to last longer, address specific issues and ensure lower whole life cost

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