The Vale of Glamorgan Council has committed to ambitious carbon reduction and climate action goals in response to the climate emergency. They are a driving force for sustainability, spearheading the ambitious push towards carbon neutrality in South Wales. As part of this initiative, they contracted Miles Macadam to reduce emissions within their highway maintenance programmes and selected the net zero grouted macadam, Biopave™ for a trial on Skomer Road, Barry.

The existing surface had deteriorated due to oxidation, leading to aggregate loss and cracking. It was evident that a long-term, sustainable solution was necessary. Biopave™ is a unique surfacing system designed to significantly reduce the environmental impact of road construction and maintenance. It incorporates Biochar into the receiving course and grout, which captures carbon within the road surface and prevents its release into the atmosphere. By using Biopave™, local authorities can achieve effective road maintenance while contributing to climate change mitigation efforts. Additionally, Welsh steel slag aggregate was utilised within the receiving course, which significantly reduced the carbon footprint as it negated the need to quarry for virgin materials.

Delivered Programme of Work:

  • 2,508m² of 40mm Biopave™
  • 0 tCO₂e emissions

Environmental Saving:

  • Saving of 266 tonnes in virgin aggregates by utilising Welsh steel slag material
  • 13 tCO₂e saving over a traditional surface course

Financial Saving:

  • Designed system to last longer, address specific issues and ensure lower whole life cost